your wallet
an easy way to access your available offers, dine-in order history + receipts. click below to check your wallet (you’ll need to verify your phone to log in).
![wallet 1 wallet 1](
want more info about our offers? after each dine-in visit you’ll receive a short survey, by completing this survey you’ll be awarded a digital taco token* for your next visit.
any questions? email
*digital offer is intended for the addressed guest and may not be transferred or used by another guest. redeemable for dine-in only at bartaco (not redeemable at parada). digital offer redeemable for one taco only, may not be redeemed for #bartacosecret tacos. offer is eligible one business day after completing a short survey and expires six months after the offer is awarded. one time use only. excludes tax and gratuity. not redeemable for cash and will not be replaced if lost or stolen. details subject to change without notice.